Our services

We provide care as individual as you are

We provide a comprehensive range of dental hygiene services.

  • Routine Prevention

    At Brush 32 we believe routine prevention appointments are the building blocks for success when it comes to preventing oral disease and maintaining optimal oral health. It’s well documented that early detection of disease allows for appropriate and timely intervention. 

    You can expect these appointments to take at least an hour to ensure we can provide the most comprehensive and informative dental experience

  • Teeth Whitening

    We understand that you're uniquely you, and that’s why we offer a number of whitening options to suit your individual needs and budget.

    Ranging from home whitening kits to complete in-surgery whitening services. Everyone deserves a smile they’re confident with.

  • Supportive Periodontal Maintenance

    At Brush 32 Dental Care we are passionate about your oral health and the important role healthy gums play in overall systemic health.

    Research is identifying the significant role gum disease has in raising the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, pregnancy complication and more systemic diseases. Eliminating oral infection is crucial to enhanced overall wellness.

  • Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and Thumb Sucking

    Taking a comprehensive approach to your care means we are not solely assessing your dental health. Our qualified Orofacial Myologist is also assessing for any Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders.

    Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders include the thumb, finger, lip, tongue or cheek sucking habits, mouth breathing, a mouth open and lips-apart rest posture, forward and low rest tongue position or when the tongue rest position is against or between the teeth and an inappropriate thrusting of the tongue forwards or sideways on swallowing and/or speaking.

    Our aim is to achieve optimal function and tone of the facial muscles in order to improve overall health, reduce pain and facilitate ideal growth through the use of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy.

  • Fissure Sealants

    We believe fissure sealants serve as a primary component of preventative dental care and are an extremely effective option to protect high-risk teeth from tooth decay.

    Fissure Sealants are painless, non-invasive and generally take as little as 20 minutes to complete.

  • Mouthguards

    At Brush 32, we want you to receive the gold standard. Custom-fitted mouthguards are the gold standard for protecting your teeth, gums, and oral health when playing contact sports.

    We offer a range of custom mouthguards to suit your individual needs. Ultimately, a mouthguard protects your teeth just as much as it protects your confidence in your smile.

“They sure are handy when you smile, so keep your teeth around a while”


Ready to book your appointment with Brush 32?

Contact us today to book in your treatment, or if you have any questions about the dental services we offer.